theories in One Night at Flumpty's

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Is it true?

I have a feeling that Flumpty's gang they're probably not even his friends they're just working for him because they are scared of him

I know that this isn't a new theory or anything, but upon beating hard boiled mode in ONaF 2 there is blurry text in the news that says : " Flumpty killed 2 birds with one stone, which was a meteor. Then the apocalypse happened."

Teoría, golden flumty y flumty son los mismos, sólo que uno viene del futuro cuando Flumty aumenta al cielo es una alegoría a qué murió debido a que mató a su yo pasado

Hmm for this password being related to eggs, my only guess is that it will be used for unlocking something related to golden flumpty (like a boss battle night)

What do you guys think this will be used on?

THEORY: Merlinmaid was from the Splatoon universe and Flumpty just stole him since he felt like it.

if there the black egg from one night at flumpty's 3 is the reincarnation of flumpty and the clown because from onaf 1 he is like the clown because whenever he raises the camera he changes his position

flumpty isnt an egg, he is a



idk man

so... I need to fucking stop.

but I will not bc I'm into the shit too much.
I KNOW 4 to 5 things and I need more AAAAAAAAAHHHHH-

Owaf is a full story but onaf 3 is just fun and the players story is darker @PJKOfficial this is what really happened to the player